Wednesday, May 20, 2015


At first I thought the movie was too dramatic for me, with the vivid scenes of Precious' abuse and rape.  I felt confused on whether or not I should have spoke up that I couldn't watch it.  But at the same time I thought that it would be wrong to do so because that would be refusing that that really happens in reality and I was choosing to ignore it.  When is it okay to refuse?  Is it ever okay to refuse to see a movie like that?  Now after watching the movie, I'm glad that I didn't back out because it's a movie that carries such an important message, especially for girls.  In such a harsh reality I don't think many of us realize just how precious we are and this movie really helped me appreciate what I have even more, to love myself more, and to empathize with everyone because you can't tell what a person is going through through their physical appearance.

Throughout the movie I was really disgusted with Precious' mom, but towards the end of the movie I felt a bit of reluctant sympathy for her.  She seemed to need some kind of psychiatric help when she started to repeat over and over that it wasn't her fault and to give her baby back at the end of the movie.

One thing that I was confused about was the man that Precious always daydreamed about.  Who is he and why does Precious like him?

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